written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Not seeing the future …. Is  not a disability … but more a reaction of the fact that we can’t count on hope anymore. Or even worst …. we simple realize we are on a … pathless path … and any plan for future should be useless to be defined.  … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru


I met lots of people that are making plans … and speak about those plans … a lot.

But i also met … during the years … people that don’t see anything related to their future.

They have … no plans at all.

No specific desire … related to what is going to come next … and …

Well …. they simple live life … as it is.

And … I look at these both … profiles.

The one seeing the future, connected to the present moment, to the hope … and the one that looks …. but maybe just into a illusory way that … don’t believe in … hope.

Such a big difference … between them.


But all what i wonder today … for my own scenario of life … is … what is the best option?!

To connect to the hope … and dream about the future?!

… or totally ignore this so called art of making …. plans?!

I know it looks a little bit depressive not to see anything related to what is going to happen next … or even worst … not even to care … but …

I realize that … i am personally… somewhere into the middle …. living into the both ways …. dreaming, but also ignoring … the future.

And i start to analyze much deeper, my own way of acting in life … trying to understanding why many times we have projections related to the future, but many times …. there is not the case to speak about any kind of plan … anymore.

I ask myself … why do i feel … being …. on a pathless path?!

… and what is the connection between such a feeling and the disability to live with … hope?!

It almost looks to me that i am dominated by an emotional balance …. living indeed between hope … and depression.

So … is it right … doing that?!

Could i stop myself … having this weird disability of having positive projections about my life?!

Maybe … yes ….

Maybe … no …

But …. I also might say … that being on a pathless path …. makes total sense to … start ignoring … anything related to those energies.

A weird negative behavior … which is actually … a reaction in front of a real case scenario … that we simple don’t want to continue anymore.


And what looks like a soul … dominated by negativity and depression is actually … the desire of not being anymore into that story … realizing it’s all a nonsense… that does not need to continue anymore.


Download the book ”Depression ... the gateway to the real happiness” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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